In this article, we will be discussing more different network protocols.

Transmission control protocol (TCP)

TCP is a transport protocol that shows the way to send data and receive it. It follows the three-way handshake method that is before sending the packets, a connection is created between the sender and the receiver, then the packet is transferred. It ensures that the packets are delivered and in order. TCP and IP are used together and are referred to as TCP/IP suite.

Transmission control protocol TCP
  • SYN is used to initiate and establish a connection.
  • ACK helps to confirm to the other side that it has received the SYN.
  • SYN-ACK is a SYN message from local device and ACK of the earlier packet.

To know about Internet Protocol and IP address, visit

User datagram protocol (UDP)

UDP is also a transport internet protocol that is faster than TCP. It is used for broadcast and multicast type of network transmission. It does not make sure whether the packets are delivered or not and it does not create a connection between sender and receiver before sending the packets.


Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

HyperText Transfer Protocol is an application layer protocol that communicates between web browsers and servers through hypertext. For example, if a web browser(client) submits an HTTP request to the server, the server returns a response message to the client which contains the information about the requestor that may contain requested content. It is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web.

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)

HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure is widely used on the internet for secured communication over computer networks. It is not different from HTTP but is encrypted to increase the security of data transfer. Web sites that transmit sensitive data such as login credentials, bank details, etc use HTTPS.


difference of http and https

File transfer protocol (FTP)

FTP is used to transfer computer files through a client-server architecture. It uses separate control connections and data connections. The control connection creates the connection between the hosts whereas the data connection opens and closes wherever a command comes for transferring files. Type of files transferred can be program files, text files, documents, etc.

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arathy j