In this article, we will be discussing the internet protocol and IP address.
Before going straight to internet protocol, let’s first discuss what a protocol is.
In networking, a protocol is a standard set of rules which formats and processes the data. The protocol acts as a common language to communicate between computers. For example, if a computer knows an internet protocol and the other doesn’t, it can’t communicate whereas if both know they can easily communicate.
What IP address is ?
The internet protocol is a set of requirements for addressing and routing the data on the internet. Data on the internet is divided into packets and each packet has IP information which helps the router to send these packets to the assigned IP address. Every device or domain has its own unique address which is known as its IP address.
The following picture shows the structure of an IP packet.
Internet Protocol address
An IP address is a unique identifier assigned to a device or domain that connects to the internet. Each IP packet contains both the IP address of the device or domain sending the packet and the IP address of the intended recipient, which is similar to a mailing address, which identifies where postal mail comes from and where it should be delivered.
It is represented using a character set. The protocol version 4 (32 bits) was used before the growth of the internet and nowadays internet protocol version 6 (128 bits) is used.
IP address is displayed as in IPv4 and 2001:db8:0:1234:0:567:8:1 in IPv6
The two types of IP address – Static IP address and Dynamic IP address.
Static IP address and Dynamic Internet Protocol address
If a device or domain is assigned with a static IP address, it doesn’t change until the network architecture is changed. This type is generally used by servers and other important equipment. Static IP addresses are assigned by internet service providers. It can be IPv4 or IPv6, but usually, we use IPv4 for permanent addresses.
As the name suggests, the dynamic IP address changes for a device. It is assigned by Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). These can be used in business networks or homes; the network router assigns the dynamic IP address for the devices.
As we get to know about IP addresses, some questions may arise.
Can my device be hacked? Should I hide my IP address? How to hide IP addresses?
The answer to the first question is no, it is difficult to hack using one’s IP address. But they can get some valuable information such as city, state, etc.
How do you check your IP address?
Use the Below method in any of the browsers
- Open a browser like Chrome or Safari.
- Navigate to Google.
- Search for “What is my IP address?”
- Google will display your IP address at the top of the search results
For Checking the IP address in windows System
- Go to Search bar in windows and Type CMD , Right-click and open that .
- Type the command “IPCONFIG” into the CMD window and press Enter. This will list all the Windows IP configuration information.
- Your IP address is the IPv4 Address. which should be four numbers separated by periods.
Should I hide my IP address?
- Avoid tracking by ad networks.
Using IP addresses, the ad networks can know what you’ve been searching for and can predict what products you might be interested in.
- Prevent disclosing private information.
By hiding IP address, we can keep our personal or business information private.
- Access to restricted areas.
If some websites are restricted to some areas only, then by hiding the IP address we can access those.
- Keep search activity private.
How to hide IP address?
IP masking is done to hide IP addresses, it is a technique of concealing your IP address by adopting a false one. It can be done in many ways.
- VPN – It is an intermediary server which encrypts connection to the internet. When VPN is used, the connections to internet are gone through VPN sever which gives a virtual IP address. So that only the VPN provider knows out IP address.
- Tor – It is a browser which keeps the online activity anonymous. It will be slow but IP address will be hidden.
- Proxy – It handles the connections on your behalf. It sits in front of client and forwards, receives and delivers responses from server.
- Public Wi-Fi – it is an easy way to change IP address but it is not safe.
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