When you buy an Arduino development board, it’s usually programmed with a sample blink program. When you start connecting with the USB cable and computer onboard led starts blinking. IF the board is ok and not defects, the led will blink once every second. IF the board does not starts blink by connecting with a USB cable and computer, check the power cable connections.

Installing Arduino IDE for Windows

Now we have our Arduino board is working fine. Let’s go to install the software required to alter the blink program and send it to the board. The procedure of installation for each operating system seems different but the basic principle is the same for all

Installation procedure will explained step by step and follow this instruction clear to avoid the mistakes .

Step 1

Go to this site- https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software

Step 2

 Select version and download based on the operating system from the  option available on right side.

[preferably use “Win 7 and newer ”(for windows only)]

Step -3

The downloaded  files may be installed and the Integrated Development Environment is now ready to use.

Testing the Installation: Flashing LED

Having assumed that our installation is completed successfully next, we are going to test the installation is correct by uploading a simple led flashing program to the computer.
Here we are using Arduino Nano board, we are going to modify the example of the blink program and increase the frequency of blinking and then upload the modified sketch to the Arduino board


Copy and paste the code in Arduino IDE

void setup() {
pinMode(13, OUTPUT); // LED pin 13 as output. by defalult 13 pin is connected to onboard led
void loop() {
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);// turn the LED off.(Note that LOW is the voltage level but actually
//the LED is on; this is because it is acive low on the ESP8266.
delay(5000); // wait for 5 second.
digitalWrite(13, LOW); // turn the LED on.
delay(5000); // wait for 5 second.

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Amith G Nair
Experience as a product developer, innovation coach, and electronics lecturer,a seasoned professional driven by passion for designing projects.expertise extends to 3D modelling, hardware designing, and web development using HTML, WordPress, and Django.